Data Protection

Based on your consent, Queens Park Community Tennis Club will only use your personal data, including sensitive personal data, for the purposes of administering the club, membership and coaching, and to send you information related to those purposes by post, e-mail, SMS or telephone. The information will be retained on our database and in hard copy format whilst you are a member. Telephone and email details will be removed automatically if you request removal from our mailing list and database. Names and addresses will be deleted after two years if you don’t renew your membership. The information you provide us with will be kept securely. We will never transfer or share your personal data with third parties without your specific consent, other than with the club coach if required.

Photographs of tennis events and activities taking place at the club can be used on social media and from time to time may be submitted to the local press. They may also be used in club advertising materials. If you would rather your photos or those of your children's NOT to be included, please inform the club committee through the contact form on this website or by emailing