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The Club's Annual General Meeting took place in McNeills Bar, Torrisdale Street on Sunday 14th January.

Before the business got under way food was consumed, drink was drunk and chat was had. Thanks to the Committee for providing a fine spread.

The meeting was opened by Club President Bill Park, who thanked everyone for their attendance and said he pleased to see a very healthy turnout. He said that as the Clubhouse was deemed too small to hold the AGM the decision had been taken by the Committee to hold this years meeting in a larger venue.


Match Secretary Gillian Guild said she was happy to report that all teams were competing well, and was pleased to report that we had tropy success and league promotions. She said that it was hoped that in the coming season we may be able to add a Mens fourth team to the roster. Gillian also took time to update the members on the ongoing meetings with Glasgow Life regarding the Club's position with the rental of courts.

Stephen Hendry thanked Gillian for all her hard work on behalf of the club and the members.

Treasurers Report

Club Treasurer Robert McLean presented the Accounts and said that the club's finance were in order and that we were showing a healthly balance at year end. He then went on to further discuss the situation with Glasgow Life, and what financial effects and benefits that members can expect in the future.

Three new members were then elected onto the committee. James Campbell informed the meeting he would be standing down as Welfare Officer for the Club. The Committee thanked James for holding the position since 2018. David Brown offered to take over from James, and will take up the role once he has completed the necessary online training course. He will be supported in the role by Sri.

A discussion followed about how best to advance the club and improve membership numbers. It was agreed that Cardio Sessions will be returning once the Club find a suitable instructor. As with Coaching Sessions. Gillian explained that there had been several try outs of coaches but as yet a decision was still to be made and that she would keep the members informed.  Several questions were asked and answered by the Committee.

There being no further business the meeting was closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair.